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Friday, May 30, 2014

L.2 The Early Church

Hey, i'm back again with more information on you know what. The same thing happened, i was listening to my teacher(for once:) ) and she started talking about the Christians being mistreated by the Romans(because the romans believed in many gods and the Christians believed in only one, they still do) and then all of a sudden Constantine has a weird dream in which he hears a voice telling him that the cross symbol would help him win the war. Constantine then ordered all the soldiers to paint a cross on their shields, and... they won the war. In the comments below tell me if you believe it was just luck or if it was something real.

Constantine became a big fan of christianity and allowed it to be followed. Later one of Constantine's successors banned greek and roman religions and made Christianity the official religion. Christanity started spreading like crazy. Axum defeated Kush and then made Christianity the official religion of Axum. The early church was organized some what the Romans.

this was the order in which the church was placed in. Later on there was one bishop which was called the pope. The pope was the leader of almost everthing, and the pope had alot of power.

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