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Thursday, May 29, 2014

L.1 Early Christianity

Just the other day I was listening to my teacher talk about the rise of Christianity. It sounded interesting so I decided to share it out. 

The Romans took over Judah in 63 b.c., but they let the Jewish people have a Jewish ruler. Then in a.d. 6 Augustus made Judah a Roman province, exchanged the Jewish ruler with a Roman governor, and gave it the Roman name Judaea. 

A Jewish group called the Zealots started a revolt against the Romans. Do you think this was a smart choice? leave me a comment with the answer. Back to the Zealots. The Romans crushed the revolt and destroyed the Jewish temple, killing thousands of people. a few decades before the first revolt, a Jew named Jesus grew up in a small town named Nazareth. He went around Preaching his ideas. He also had a close group of 12 followers/disciples that followed him. Many people believe he was the promised deliverer, but most Jews disagreed and did not follow Jesus. 

Leaders of Jerusalem were having trouble with Jesus so Jesus was crucified. Early christian writings mention that Mary Magdalene, a close follower of Jesus, was the first to see him alive again. Jesus' resurrection lead to early Christianity.

The apostles were the christian leaders that spread the message of Jesus. Followers were called Christians, and they referred to Jesus as Jesus Christ. Christians formed churches which were groups where people were taught the message. It was also a place for worship. 

There were two apostles that made a great impact on Christianity. They were Paul and Peter. Peter was a disciple of Jesus, and Christian tradition says that Peter helped in setting up the Early Church. Paul was known as Saul before he became a Christian. He would persecute Christians and imprison or kill them. Then one day while he was traveling to Syria, Saul saw a blinding light and heard the voice of Jesus. Since then he was known as Paul and was a devoted Christian. 

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